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Using Lilo or Grub to start PCLinuxOS

Ophavsmand Indlæg
fre feb 09 2007, 23:17 Vis Udskrift


Oprettet: tor feb 08 2007, 17:58
Indlæg: 1068
Using Lilo or Grub to start PCLinuxOS
Back to Installing PCLinuxOS to your Hard Drive

In windows you never think about how your computer boots up, you just know that it does. In PCLinuxOS we use Lilo or Grub as the boot manager. What is this? This is the program that kicks in when you turn your computer on right after it does its basic hardware check routine. This nifty little program tells your computer that you have more than one operating system on your computer.

Both Lilo and Grub are very smart programs in the way it is installed on your computer. It is usually installed in the very first sectors on your hard drive. Here are some things you might want to know:

* How do I know it will add my Windows?
* What should I know about it?
* Can I trust it?
* What can go wrong?

How do I know it will add my Windows?
This is very simple. All it needs to do is find your partitions or drives that are formatted in a Windows format. Once it finds a partition that is formatted in FAT32 or NTFS it will add an entry for that partition or drive. Then it will add a partition for PCLinuxOS as well.

What should I know about it?
You should know LILO is a versatile LInux LOader. Grub is a GRand Unified Bootloader. Sounds pretty fancy, doesn't it! The good thing is that it does not depend on any specific file system, can boot Linux kernel 'images' from floppydisks and harddisks, and can even boot other operating systems as well, like for example Windows. One of many images can be selected at boot time. Various parameters, such as the root device, can be set independently for each kernel. Lilo can even be used as the master boot record.

Can I trust it?
I don't know. Do you trust anyone or anything? If so, then you can trust both Lilo and Grub to work each time you turn your computer on. Even though this may seem like a critical program that you are afraid won't work correctly, it will. Really!

What can go wrong?
Every once in a while you will need to add some boot parameters to the Lilo. Usually it will correctly identify these when you install it.

If you find that you have problems with Lilo or Grub not booting correctly then you can do one of several things:

* You can read more about using Lilo and Grub in our Bootloader FAQ.
* Check out the boot options cheat codes and see if you need to make any changes.
* Boot into Windows or boot from the live CD and then go to our very own forum∞ for PCLinuxOS and ask questions in the Installation section. Or use to the IRC link on the desktop. Once you click on this you will be able to get help from someone that is online at the time. How's that for help? It is free too!
* Another good source for help is Scot's Newsletter All Things Linux forum∞.
* Go to the Getting More Help page to find out how to get more help.
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